to the official website of the
Pickens County, SC Republican Party

Mailing Address for donations, etc:
Pickens County Republican Party
PO Box 1299, Pickens, SC 29671

Chairman's statement on why eligibility to run for state delegates and county offices is needed from each individual.

How to check your Voter History


Pickens County Reorg Makeup Session

Open to all registered voters

You will be required to provide a photo ID

The Makeup session is for those people who missed the Reorg meeting, and for precincts that were unable to fill their officer or delegate positions at regular Reorg.

Make up session is Saturday March 22nd from 09:00 to 11:00 hours at:

Limitless Restoration Church.

3786 Farrs Bridge Rd, Easley

If you plan to run for State Delegate or a County Office at the County Convention, please bring proof of your voter history.

If you do NOT provide this proof of Voter History, you will not be allowed on the ballots at the County Convention.

How to check your Voter History

Pickens County GOP Convention

Open to the County Delegates who were elected at Reorg, for election of County Officers and State Delegates

Date Saturday, April 5th

Time TBD

Southern Wesleyan University - Founders Hall inside the University Dining Commons

120 Childs St, Central, SC 29630


Contact Us

Pickens County GOP Leadership Team

Bob Fetterly - County Chair

BJ Sutherland - State EC

Teri Swann - Vice Chair

Neil Garrick - 2nd Vice Chair

Pickens County GOP Committees

Get Involved

Library Book Review Process

The books on the lists below are those that have been identified as not suitable for school children.
Please take time to look at them and submit the Request for Reconsideration of Library Resource to have the books removed or moved to an adult section of the library.

Request for Reconsideration of Library Resource

  • List of books (pdf file)
  • List of books (excel spreadsheet)
  • The book list comes from the Book Looks website which rates books from 0-5 as to just how obscene they are according to their rubric.

    The books were cross referenced by Johnnelle Raines to make sure these books are actually in our Pickens County Library.

    One book has been challenged twice...most have not been challenged to her knowledge. It is important that people let her know if they have turned in a challenge as she is keeping up with which ones have been challenged and when, as well as The Director's Decision and the Appeals Decision.

    It is fine to challenge a book that has already been challenged...it just shows that book has great concerns in our community.

    The rated 5 ones definitely need a challenge...then rated 4 ones.

    We must keep the pressure on the Director and the Board on these challenges...overwhelm them.

    We must also keep pressure on the Pickens County Council. The county council CAN make an ordinance...it is a power they have according to the SC Laws on County's Library regardless of what the Librarians say... the library building BELONGS to the county and the taxpayers... they can and should not re-appoint board members who are fine with filth being available to minors. Not to mention pressure to hire a new library director who is not "woke" and all on board with this filth being available to minors. It doesn't matter if SC Law says they are exempt...they shouldn't be purchasing books like this. Praying the exemption gets taken away from them by Columbia Legislators...but until then we need to keep the pressure on.

    Openings on Local Boards and Committees

  • Pickens County Boards and Committees